Selasa, 01 November 2011

Say Hello to Goodbye After much consideration and deliberation,i have decided that this will be my last post.It's been a joyful 4 years of writing and sharing experiences.But we all knew it all along that one day it has got to end.Well,today is the day.No i am not sad,frustrated or depressed. I just thought that it's time for me to move on to something else. I have developed so many beautiful friendship through blogging.In a way that you could never imagine. Not to mention ended a few as well. But that's life. If one thing that i have learn t in this short period of my life, that is nothing will stay the same forever. We act, we think,we feel whatever that is happening at the moment. We can never be sure of what the future holds for us. So I've learn not to put my expectations too high for if you fall, you will fall hard and might not be able to stand up. If you want something to happen,you got to work on your own.I always put that in my head. I am so blessed with the people that I've met here,who eventually became like a family, you know who you are. God willing we will forever be one. So thank you really everyone for your supports, comments and most importantly your time in reading my rantings. I've grown so much for the past 4 years and you guys are part of my journey. It's time for me to start a new chapter of my life.Feel free to drop me a mail if you feel like writing.Who knew it will be a start of a new friendship.Till then, stay safe and remember life is short, we need to make the most of it.What doesn't kill you will make you stronger.Flyfreak signing off :)

Say Hello to Goodbye

After much consideration and deliberation,i have decided that this will be my last post.It's been a joyful 4 years of writing and sharing experiences.But we all knew it all along that one day it has got to end.Well,today is the day.No i am not sad,frustrated or depressed. I just thought that it's time for me to move on to something else.
I have developed so many beautiful friendship through blogging.In a way that you could never imagine. Not to mention ended a few as well. But that's life. If one thing that i have learn t in this short period of my life, that is nothing will stay the same forever. We act, we think,we feel whatever that is happening at the moment. We can never be sure of what the future holds for us. So I've learn not to put my expectations too high for if you fall, you will fall hard and might not be able to stand up. If you want something to happen,you got to work on your own.I always put that in my head.

I am so blessed with the people that I've met here,who eventually became like a family, you know who you are. God willing we will forever be one. So thank you really everyone for your supports, comments and most importantly your time in reading my rantings. I've grown so much for the past 4 years and you guys are part of my journey. It's time for me to start a new chapter of my life.Feel free to drop me a mail if you feel like writing.Who knew it will be a start of a new friendship.Till then, stay safe and remember life is short, we need to make the most of it.What doesn't kill you will make you stronger.Flyfreak signing off :)

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