Rabu, 09 November 2011

from world for seven wonders

Home » Voting Trends

Daily website voting trend: speed of growth

This page shows how fast each Finalist has grown each day in terms of voting via www.new7wonders.com. As website votes are coming in all the time, every Finalist always grows in votes each day, sometimes faster, sometimes slower.
Green means the Finalist has accelerated: website votes have grown faster than in the previous day.
Red means the Finalist has decelerated: website votes have grown slower than in the previous day.
Note: The above refers to votes via new7wonders.com only, and is indicative therefore of website voting only. Other forms of voting, such as SMS voting, may produce different indicators, but are not included here. Final positions on 11/11/11 will be of course determined by the combination of website, certificate and SMS/telephone votes.

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